Talking to Klassekampen, Center Party politician Jenny Klinge says that the Schengen Agreement makes it easier for criminals to enter Norway and the government must take control of the country’s own borders.
The Sp politician also believes that the problem is particularly serious, since Bulgaria and Romania can enter the Schengen agreement in the fall.
About Center Party (Sp)
The Centre Party (Norwegian: Senterpartiet, Sp) is a liberal, centrist and Nordic agrarian political party in Norway, founded in 1920. The Centre Party’s policy is not based on any of the major ideologies of the 19th and 20th century, but has a focus on maintaining decentralised economic development and political decision-making.
From its founding until 2000, the party had joined only non-socialist governments, but in 2005 changed its allegiance and joined the Red-Green Coalition government led by the Labour Party. Since 1972, the Centre Party has also maintained a principled opposition to Norwegian membership in the European Union.