
Norway Supports Macedonian’s NATO membership

– Norway supports Macedonia’s integration into NATO, and want to see the country in the alliance as quickly as possible, says Minister of Defence Espen Barth Eide. NATO has opened the way for Macedonia to join the alliance if the name dispute with Greece is solved.

Norway has for several years supported Macedonia by helping to reform the defense and security sectors. One of the elements are support for training and the establishment of new activities for military personnel of Macedonian defense.

Norway plans to donate in the medical sector of Macedonia in the autumn. Macedonia already contributes to NATO operations, as in Afghanistan. 

– I appreciate the cooperation with Macedonia. Especially I want to emphasize the good cooperation in Afghanistan, where Macedonia for several years has provided surgeons to the hospital to the Norwegian PRT in Faryab. It has been important for the safety of both Norwegian and other countries’ soldiers, and the cooperation has literally saved lives, says Defence Minister Eide. 

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