Tørfoss expressed his discontent about what he describes as huge money transfer to the Sami.
– Last year we transferred a total of 1.217 billion. We will transfer up to 5 billion during this election period. It's horrible, "said Tørfoss.
Tørfoss also stated that it's totally unreasonable to give such huge sums of money to so few people. He called it as undemocratic and horrible to continue such funding to the minority parliement of Norway.
Progress Party Suggestions
Progress Party is known for the elimination of both the Sami Parliament and the Finnmark Commission. Meanwhile, Tørfoss suggest that they are not against the idea of preserving Sami culture.
– We agree that it is important to learn Sami language and culture. Some money must be set aside money for this purpose. All of Norway must not learn the Sami even if we want to learn about it", concluded FrP politician.
About the Sami community in Norway
The Sami are an indigenous people who form an ethnic minority in Norway, Sweden and Finland. There is also a small population on Russia's Kola peninsula. In more recent history, i.e. from about the sixteenth century, Sami have inhabited nearly all the areas of the Nordic countries where they now have permanent settlements. The Sami region extends from Idre, in Dalarne, Sweden, and adjacent areas in Norway south to Engerdal in Hedmark County. To the north and east it stretches to Utsjoki in Finland, Varanger in Norway and on to the Kola peninsula in Russia.
The size of the Sami population has been reckoned at somewhere between 60,000 and 100,000; a cautious estimate would be about 70,000. In Norway there are believed to be between 40,000 and 45,000 Sami, largely concentrated in Finnmark, where there are some 25,000. Sweden has about 17,000 Sami, Finland around 5,700 and Russia approximately 2,000.
Social Darwinism led to a change of attitudes towards the Sami around the year 1850. Reforms were introduced, starting with the schools. At the end of the 1800s teachers were instructed to restrict the use of the Sami language in the schools. From 1902 and onwards, it was forbidden to sell land to anyone who could not speak Norwegian; the process of "Norwegianization" was in full swing,and in the period between the two World Wars the policy was practised quite aggressively.
After World War II, Norwegian policy towards the Sami changed character. A number of reports were prepared on teaching in the schools, and more liberal policies were framed, but it was some time before they had any effect.
The major step forward came in the 1960s, when the Sami's right to preserve and develop their own culture was officially acknowledged. Sami was taught in the schools, and new institutions were established, such as the Sami Collections in Karasjok and the South Sami Collections, a museum and cultural centre for the South Sami, in South Trøndelag county.(reisenett.no)
In 1989, The Sami Parliament of Norway (Sametinget) was established as the representative body for people of Sami heritage in Norway. It act as an institution of cultural autonomy for the indigenous Sami people.
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