The Norwegian Daily, VG reported that several companies in Israel have been told that they can not participate in the tender round, where the Norwegian Armed Forces would buy combat helmets for the troops. The Ministry of Defence sent a notification letter to the Israeli provider Rabintex and the letter explained the reson of this decision as “the extraordinary situation in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”
– I must say this is quite remarkable and interesting, “said Syversen.
He noted that the government is against the boycott of Israel externally, but it seems as if they have introduced an unofficial boycott.
-This case must be presented openly for a political approval. We will pursue this matter and ask the current Minister Grete Faremo to explain it, “said Syversen.
Read also :
Norway Voted for International Inquiry of Israel's Attack
The Prime Minister: “We are shocked by the Israeli Attack”
Norwegian Minister Against Academic Boycott of Israel
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