Oslo Police tweeted the funny case yesterday evening. A woman called them and told that her car was stolen while she was at work. Then she called again and confessed she remembered that she did not drive to work that day and the car was in front of her house.
As soon as Oslo police tweeted the incident, it went viral. The tweet received hundreds of likes and shares as well as equally funny comments in a short time. Here are some of th efunny reactions to the tweet:
@oslopolitiops I really needed something to laugh or smile about takk for dette.
— Chris-Leo Ngaruthi (@Ngaruthi) December 9, 2016
@oslopolitiops Dere oppfordret henne naturligvis til å ta seg en liten ferie?
— fru Nygaard-Eriksen (@Malandra80) December 9, 2016
Naturally you encouraged her to take a short holiday
.@oslopolitiops burde vel vanket en bot for å være distré?
— Stian Sesseng (@stiansesseng) December 9, 2016
She should have been issued a fine for being disorganized.