
Norway’s Security Service Will Escort Olympic Team in Russia

A deadly suicide bombing at a railroad station in Volgograd on Sunday, followed by a blast in a trolley bus on Monday in the same city, raised the concern of security just six weeks before the Winter Olympics in Sochi. 

In paralel, security measures is increased for Norwegian Olympic team traveling to the country in February.  According to NRK, Police Security Service (PST) is included in the Norwegian Olympic team attending to the winter Olympics in Sochi in February. There is regular contact between PST and Russian authorities. 

During the games, Norwegian team’s manager Tore Øvrebø will be kept updated on the security situation in and around Sochi. The last contact between PST and Øvrebø was by phone in November. He was informed that it would be safe to go to the Sochi Olympics.

– It is important that PST is with us. It is a question of protecting the interests of Norwegian citizens. We must have the relevant information to make good decisions related to security, says Øvrebø to Aftenposten.

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