
Women Organizations React to Prostitution Article

Norwegian tabloid newspaper VG published a 15-page- story about Hege Grostad working as a prostitute in Oslo. 

According to the article presented with a smiling picture of the Grostad (27), she sells sex to finance her studies and now wants to change the law criminalizing prostitution in Norway.

In the article, Grostad admits that there are many different fates in the prostitution market and claims that the sex workers want legalization of the prostitution. 

But woman organization Kvinnefronten reacted to the article. The organization, which fights against  oppression of women, thinks VG has broken the press act and has complained the newspaper article to the Norwegian Press Complaints Commission (PFU).

– The article creates an oversimplified and rather distorted picture of how the sex industry looks in the name of freedom of expression, says Daisy Elizabeth Sjursø from Kvinnefronten to Journalisten.

Sjursø also complains how the newspaper presented Grostad as if she is the representative of whole 3000 sex workers in the country.

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