From this fall, the government will cut cash benefits for children between 2 and 3 years and children who turns to 1 after 1 september will have to wait one more year to start kindergarten.
Christian Democrat Party(KrF) leader Knut Arild Hareide criticizes the rule and suggests that the regulation leads to more and more Norwegians to give birth in the summer to secure the strict 1 September deadline, which has blown up the capacity of the country’s delivery rooms.
Christian Democratic party leader accuses the coalition with lack of flexibility in day care and family policy. – Government’s plan for kindergarten admission and families’ financial support opposes freedom of choice, says Hareide.
Progress Party politician Solveig Horne aggrees with Hareide. She says the Government’s main objective seems to be the desire to override the family’s choice. She also adds that her party will change this rule, if they come into government from the next autumn.
Horne believes that the families must be given freedom of choice back.