Every day sees new alternatives being presented as options for cancer treatment. One reality that modern medicine has been forced to pay attention to in recent years is the power of herbs and plants in treating cancer. Cancer patients can look to dependable and truly helpful complimentary therapies outside the well-known “surgerychemotherapy- radiotherapy” triangle.
Dr. Caneza Segin has been treating cancer patients for 7 years now. A conclusion that he has arrived at after more than 10 years of research and observation is that alternative therapies, including herbs and plants, can be effective in the fight against cancer. Segin’s book “Which Plant for Which Cancer?” is intended as a guide for people battling cancer. The book contains the newest information and results from current research encompassing a wide range of knowledge.
The book also addresses questions such as which plants protect against which kinds of cancer; which plants can actually be used in the treatment for which cancers; what plants are known to kill cancer cells; what are the effective elements hidden in plants that are the enemies of cancer; who should use which plants; which plants should absolutely not be used in the fight against cancer; how should vitamins, minerals and hormone supplements, mentalphysical techniques, psychological support, and electro-magnetic therapies be used; and why the power of prayer should not be underestimated.
Rosemary is beneficial in the treatment of lung, skin, colon and breast cancer, as well as leukemia. It is also believed to help protect against the occurrence of cancer and is one of the herbs shown to be powerful in preventing the spread of cancer. Best brewed as tea and drunk, it can be prepared by allowing one teaspoonful of dried rosemary to steep in a cup of boiling water for 15 minutes. When taken as a capsule, 400 milligrams two to three times a day is enough.
Black cumin seed
Black cumin seeds are beneficial in the treatment of lung, head and neck, large-intestinal, peritoneal, breast, pancreas, prostate and soft tissue cancers and lymphoma. Due to its effects in lowering hypertension and blood sugar levels, it may increase the effects of medication which serve the same purpose. It may cause allergic reactions in cases of local application.
St. John’s wort
This is very beneficial in the treatment of lung, brain, urinary tract, bladder, liver, breast, stomach, cervical and ovarian cancers, as well as leukemia. It is also a well known supplement in traditional treatments for depression and infections. Some people also use St. John’s wort for treating ailments such as insomnia, fatigue, pain, childhood bed-wetting and open wounds.
Ginger is beneficial in the treatment of lung, colon, liver, breast, stomach, pancreatic and ovarian cancer as well as malignant melanomas, lymphoma and leukemia. A frequently seen side effect of ginger can be dermatitis and heartburn. Excessive doses of ginger can also result in disrupted heart rhythms and suppressed central nervous system functioning. Ginger should not be taken at the same time as anti-coagulants as it could cause bleeding. It can increase the effects of anti-blood pressure medicine as well as medications that reduce blood sugar levels.
Pomegranates are beneficial in the treatment of head and neck, colon, breast and prostate cancer, as well as leukemia. Eating pomegranates also helps protect against the occurrence of cancer. Pomegranate heads the list of foods that have been known for thousands of years to have curative qualities.
Broccoli has been found to be beneficial for urinary tract and bladder disorders as well as in the treatment for both colon and breast cancer. It is also believed to help protect against cancer of the colon, urinary tract and bladder. It should be consumed fresh or just after being thawed if frozen. It can be eaten either raw or steamed. Raw broccoli is slightly bitter, but this bitterness comes from the anti-cancer qualities.
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