Labor party secretary Raymond Johansen had initiated a new discussion about the tax level, then a number of prominent Labour Party members proposed the government should increase the taxes in the next parliamentary period , from 2013 to 2017. However, Schjøtt -Pedersen said he wants to keep tax levels unchanged until the end of next parliamentary term in 2017. “-I do not believe that there is a need for a higher tax and fee levels in the next period. We must wait to adjust the level until it is needed, added he.
The Labor Party 's spokesman in Tax Policy , Thomas Breen, told VG that Norway may need to raise taxes after 2013. Also Labor leader in the finance committee in Parliament, Torgeir Mica , wants a tax debate.
– Those who advocated for increased taxes now, must have very good answers on what sources of income for the community they envisage to increase , on the day tens of thousands of pensioners who need care is knocking on the door of Parliament. That day is not until about 7-10 years, ” Mica told VG.
Taxs Sytem in Norway
The tax level is relatively high in Norway, although the tax levels are higher in both Sweden and Denmark. It is regarded as important that the general tax … Read all about Tax Level in Norway