
Poverty and Income Inequality Increase in Norway

In four years, the proportion of poor in Norway increased from 7.7 per cent to 9.3 per cent.

Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV) presents “Poverty and living conditions in Norway” report. The results in the report worry NAV, writes Klassekampen.

– The share of low income increases over time, while we see that income gap widens, and the rich is getting richer, says knowledge director of NAV, Yngvar Ă…sholt to the newspaper.

The report shows that in particular three factors are worrying. According to the EU poverty line (those who earn less than 60 percent of the median income), the proportion of poor in Norway has risen from 7.7 percent to 9.3 percent four years later.

Around 17.5 per cent of all children in Oslo live in households that have low income, and people with immigrant background account for 43 per cent of all the poor. This proportion has increased steadily.

Especially 18-34 age group is the most vulnerable group, 14 percent of which are poor.

The report also shows that real income for the poor in practice has remained same in the period from 2012 to 2015, so the gap for both the wealthiest and the rest of the population has increased.

Recent tax regulations by the right wing government in favor of the rich and the low employment skills among the risk groups are among the reasons of the this negative trend.

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