
British Politician Invokes Euthanasia Debate in Norway

The chair of the commission, Labour politician Charles
Falconer proposes that patient who has less than a year to live could receive
assistance from their doctor to end their life. The retired doctor in Bergen,
Jarle Ofstad asks the Norwegian authorities to go even further by legalizing
euthanasia in the country.  

According to Ofstad, Norwegian doctors already provide
euthanasia today, but call the procedure by an alias, «palliative sedation».

“Terminal sedation is performed every day at Norwegian
hospitals and nursing homes, and Norwegian and international research show that
70 percent of the people support allowing euthanasia. But lawmakers resist, and
very few doctors dare talk about the topic, since the Norwegian Medical
Association is strongly opposed to euthanasia. I think we now have to legislate
what is actually done, says Ofstad to Aftenposten.

From The Nordic Page 2012-1 Issue

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